Sunday, May 24, 2020
Family Relationships - 910 Words
There are many different family traditions and relationships based on our culture and how it was developed. We are trained to act and behave in such a manner that is â€Å"appropriate†from the time that we are born. Many of these actions are actually based on the cultures of ancient times. Some of our everyday traditions come from these cultures, along with our actions and behavior within our families. A few of these countries are Babylonia, Greece, and India. I have found one story from each country or culture, to show examples of families relationships and there importance to those affected by them. These three stories are Gilgamesh, The Odyssey, and The Ramayana. In the ancient country of Babylonia, there are a few things that have†¦show more content†¦In story 1 they mention how Rama, his wife, and his brother, the prince men are very powerful people. With their family ruling the grounds they are able to us this power to its greatest. Rama and his sons use trick y tactics and schemes to fight of there opposition. Working together there is many times that they will have worked up a plan or scheme to fight of hermits or even suitors. In the ancient India time, people acted very differently. Rama was willing to give up his night when his father asks him to do it. Families were close, but you could also see them turn on one another. To rule the throne was the master plan, and everyone wanted there fair chance. While being under the master ruler, you would respect him, but also be jealous. This caused controversy with a few things, but most importantly still showed how the Indian families were still able to live with one another and be successful. Whether we are talking Babylonia, Greece or India there are many different ways in which family relationships affect there cultures. All three; Gilgamesh, The Odyssey, and The Ramayana are stories which portrayed families attributes to perfectly fit there time in ancient history. From this we can learn that our own family relationships today may have something to do with our ancestors. That we are all created equal but we may not view each other as equal. As long as we have support and trust from our families then we willShow MoreRelatedRelationship Between Family And Family Relationships1200 Words  | 5 PagesAs usual, people have three relationships during whole their lives: romantic, friendship, and family. While family is one of the longest lasting relationship over all. There is identified as the strongest relationship and the most effect to personal characters. Unlike other relationship, family affection is cultivated during a long time by sticking together and blood related. Even the family relationship is not dreamy and romantic as loving relationship, not funny and comfortable such as friendshipRead MoreSibling Relationships And Family Relationships912 Words  | 4 PagesOver time the relationships you have with your siblings change, you can start out not liking e ach other and then in later life being to love or tolerate each other (Brothers, Sisters and Aging Parents, 2014). Late adulthood is defined as being over the age of sixty-five (Later Adulthood, n.d.). The sibling relationships is forced relationships that are maintained by the siblings to foster a lifelong relationship (Martin, Anderson, Rocca, 2005). Siblings play very different roles for each otherRead MoreRelationship Relationships With Your Family1382 Words  | 6 Pages Relationship Analysis Paper Relationships with your family should be nurturing and should create a supportive environment that allows you to develop into the person that you want to be. Fortunately for me, this is true in all areas of my family. I have tremendous parents, sisters, grandparents, and cousins. These people have been a remarkable support system throughout my life and I cannot be more thankful. Since talking about each one of them is not allowed I will talk about the relationship thatRead MoreSibling Relationships And Family Relationships2682 Words  | 11 Pagesat relationships, whether marital, parent-child, sibling, or peer relationships, they each enforce different demands through interactions with one another (Aksan, Goldsmith, Essex, Vandell, 2013). One relationship that has the longest interaction is sibling relationships, it is arguably the longest relationship an individual experiences and it can continue through the lifespan (Cicirelli, 1995). As the siblings grow their relationship b ecomes more egalitarian than other family relationships (CicirelliRead MoreRelationship Between Family And Family789 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Many would agree that the dynamics of the family structure have changed drastically. Families are faced with many challenges, often times outside intervention is necessary in coping with the plethora of issues families face. We are living in a time of increased racial tensions, stress, bullying, domestic violence, mental illness, same-sex marriage, drug abuse, increased divorce rates, blended families, and cohabitation. The use of Marriage and family therapists appears to be increasing. AccordingRead MoreFostering Family Relationship1039 Words  | 5 PagesFostering Good Family Relationship Fostering healthy and meaningful family relationship is paramount in teenagers’ lives. A family is not only important for one’s link to the past, but it is also a strong and powerful agent that provides the love and care that a teenager would mostly need. There are many ways teenagers can do to foster good family relationship. Firstly, teenagers should respect and care for each member of the family. This includes the most elderly to the youngestRead MoreAssessment Of A Relationship With The Family1640 Words  | 7 Pagesestablishing a relationship with the family, there occurs the assessment process. In the assessment stage, the counsellor collaborates with the family to uncover the presenting problems. According to Hackney and Cormier (2013) problems may be conceptualized in various ways: as needs, stressors, life conditions, misinterpretations, dysfunctional social patterns, or a combination of these determinants. For Max’s case I chose to utilize approaches and techniques from Minuchin’s Structural Family Theory forRead MoreThe Role Of Family And Caretakers Relationships940 Words  | 4 Pagesbeen done in terms of how this disorder impacts family members and caretakers. The rationale behind this topic is to examine some of the research done involving strengths and struggles of family and caretakers relationships. The articles that will be discussed include: Family Functioning in the Context of Parental Bipolar Disorder: Association with Offspring Age, Sex, and Psychopathology, Relatives’ Emotional Involvement Moderates the Effects of Family Therapy for Bipolar, and In sickness and in health:Read MoreThe Definition Of Marriage And Family Relationships Essay1260 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is the definition of marriage in the Bible? Better yet what is the definition of family in the Bible? In Scripture there are many families which could be studied in order to better answer this question, but some of the most prominent choices are Abraham s family, David s family, and Solomon s family. Each of these families in turn had their own sets of issues and problems, but there are also Biblical solutions to these problems which shall be address through the course of this paper. ButRead MoreFamily Intimate Relationship Interview1128 Words  | 5 PagesFami ly Intimate Relationship Interview Throughout this interview process, it was extremely difficult to find a family not similar to mine. However after many weeks of searching, I found a wonderful family that lives not to far from my hometown, the Lindsay family. While interviewing this family, I spent approximately four hours at their small home in Lake City, TN. This experience was difficult and rewarding at the same time. To me, meeting new people is very hard because I am a really shy person
Monday, May 18, 2020
Social Learning With Chimpanzees And Other Animals
Learning by observation is a type of learning in which an individual observes the behavior of others, sees the consequences of the behaviors, and then attempts to carry out the same behavior. Social learning is based on the standards of classical and operant conditioning and observational learning. It is a commonly shared belief that people have an instinctive ability to imitate the behavior of others. However, this ability is not unique to humans. Animals have also showed evidence of being able to mimic humans and other animals (Mazur, 2013). Chimpanzees, or Pan Troglodytes, have demonstrated social learning through many different experiments in different settings. Chimpanzees have shown the ability to observe the behavior of a model and reproduce the behavior. However, chimpanzees have also demonstrated the mental capacity of understanding when behaviors do not elicit a desired reaction and not repeating these behaviors under these circumstances. This paper will focus on chimpanzee s and their ability to learn new behaviors through social learning. Marshall-Pescini and Whiten (2008) discuss social learning with chimpanzees in East Africa, focusing on the task of nut-cracking. Nut-cracking is unique to wild chimpanzees who live in West Africa, so this study intended to measure whether or not chimpanzees who do not live in the wild in West Africa would demonstrate the same ability to learn nut-cracking. The study took place on Ngamba Island in Lake Victoria, Uganda at aShow MoreRelatedChimpanzees Exhibit Culture Through Social Interaction1167 Words  | 5 Pagesindividuals make up social groupings that form ideas, behaviors and materials objects that encompass what they define as culture. Culture is not only essential for survival, but for growth and communication; through interaction, observation and imitation our behavioral patterns thus create culture. Since culture is such a tool kit for survival, it does not come as a surprise that culture is apparent in animals. Animal culture refers to the theory of social interaction, through means of learning, artifactsRead MoreEssay about Chimpanzee Vs. Human530 Words  | 3 PagesDo chimpanzees exert human-like qualities? In the essay Selections from Through a Window: My Thirty Years with the Chimpanzees of Gombe, Jane Goodall explains her studies of the chimpanzees and their human-like qualities. The scientific community does not believe that chimpanzees are like humans in any way. Goodall wants to prove that chimpanzees are more than just a mindless non-human animal; in fact, she believes that chimpanzees are the closest living relatives to humans and that they are aRead More Animal Intelligence Essay780 Words  | 4 Pages Animal Intelligence Intelligence is defined as the ability to acquire and apply knowledge. Psychologists have exploited this concept in many ways to try and determine whether non-human animals are capable of intelligence. From social learning it is logical to assume that, since non-human animals are able to both acquire and use new behaviours, they must be intelligent in some way. Heyes stated that there are 6 types of behaviour which suggest intelligence. These areRead MoreIntelligence Is The Most Intelligent Of The Primates896 Words  | 4 Pagesand meanings. Through much research, scientists have discovered that there are other species with great knowledge. Species such as dolphins, primates, elephants, pigs, and birds have had their brilliance put to the test, supporting the idea that intelligence is more than having a language. Primates, our closest living relatives, are among the smartest of the animal kingdom. Two in particular, Orangutans and Chimpanzees, are considered the most intelligent of the primates. Both species have been taughtRead MoreLearning And Solving The Animal Kingdom1341 Words  | 6 PagesTeddy Miqui Psych 243 Learning and Problem Solving in the Animal Kingdom In the animal kingdom certain groups of animals have an ability to learn and use their environment around them to overcome certain obstacles. It is very rare to find animals that have the cognitive ability to solve these types of problems. However, certain animals have the ability to use tools to solve certain issues with their environment. While other animals have the ability to solve complex puzzles to get themselves outRead MoreConsciousness Is The Way Beings Have Their Own Personal Experiences1311 Words  | 6 PagesConsciousness is the way beings have their own personal experiences in their minds. In other words, how they experience every day situations in their own personal view or perspective. Ned Block (1995) explains that â€Å"phenomenal consciousness is experience; what makes a state phenomenally conscious is that there is something ‘it is like’ to be in that state.†Susan Blackmore (2012) said that consciousness was subjective; meaning consciousn ess is personal and cannot be shared with anyone else. StudyRead MoreChimpanzees and Tool Use1322 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction: Chimpanzees are part of the non-human primate group. Though we share a common ancestor, evolution has pushed us in different directions. However this common ancestor causes humans to be curious about these creatures. As discussed in Jane Goodall’s video Among the Wild Chimpanzees we were once considered to be human because of our use of tools but once we observed these non-human primates using tools, this perception was changed forever. The question now at hand is if having the chimpanzees thatRead MoreLanguage Acquisition : The Great Apes935 Words  | 4 Pagesthat language is a primary differentiating factor between humans and other animals. While the unique structure of the human vocal tract does not allow for other animals to replicate our language in an auditory manner, recent studies have shown that species in the family Pongidae, also known as the â€Å"great apes,†are capable of using language in a visual way. Some researchers are trying to show that species such as gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos, and orangutans are able to learn sign language and use itRead MoreAn Scientific Observations Of Modern Times1551 Words  | 7 Pagesa termite nest. The large male chimpanzee was foraging for food. As she watched, the animal through her binoculars, the chimpanzee carefully took a twig, bent it, stripped it of its leaves and finally stuck it into the nest. The chimpanzee began to spoon termites into his mouth. Jane Goodall made one of the most important scientific observations of modern times in that remote African rainforest: something other than a human had just made a serving tool! â€Å"It was hard for me to believe,†she rememberedRead MoreControlling The Fire, Egyptian Pyramids, The Invention Of Electricity Essay1324 Words  | 6 Pagesand several social and cognitive process by using a puzzle box. They compared chimpanzees, capuchins and children.The result of this study indicates that there is a positive correlation between an amount of teaching a child received and the stage they reached. This result is in the same vein with the results of the study of Castro and Toro (2013) and the result of the study of Fogarty, Strimling Laland (2011). 2. Imitation-Process Oriented Copying Imitation is defined as learning behavior by observing
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Examination of the Main Issues of the Euthanasia Debate...
Examination of the Main Issues of the Euthanasia Debate Introduction Talk of suicide and euthanasia has long been the focus of media attention. Recently this debate has been furthermore justified with the advent of European clinics that specialise in professional mercy killings for the terminally ill and those suffering incurable pain. To add to this, suicide rates in this country are ever increasing, with this being one of the ten most common causes of death in the UK. More worrying is the increasingly high number of adolescent youth and young men, who being particularly prone to depression, take their own lives. With the fact that it is still deemed as morally wrong, it must be†¦show more content†¦One way in which we can all look into these issues is to imagine the situation happening within our lives. How would you feel given the option of life or death? If life is intolerable and you see the suffering on family and friends, what decision would you like to make? Should politicians, who have no personal interest, be able to decide our fate? The term euthanasia means the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit. (The key word here is intentional. If death is not intended, it is not an act of euthanasia). Voluntary euthanasia is when the person who is killed has requested to be killed. Non-voluntary: When the person who is killed made no request and gave no consent. Involuntary euthanasia: When the person who is killed made an expressed wish to the contrary. Assisted suicide: Someone provides an individual with the information, guidance, and means to take his or her own life with the intention that they will be used for this purpose. When it is a doctor who helps another person to kill themselves it is called physician assisted suicide. Euthanasia By Action: Intentionally causing a persons death by performing an action such as by giving a lethal injection. Euthanasia By Omission: Intentionally causing death by not providing necessary and ordinary (usual and custo mary) care or food and water.Show MoreRelatedActive Euthanasia: Physician Assisted Suicide is Wrong Essay1523 Words  | 7 PagesActive Euthanasia: Physician Assisted Suicide is Wrong The issue at hand is whether physician-assisted suicide should be legalized for patients who are terminally ill and/or enduring prolonged suffering. In this debate, the choice of terms is central. The most common term, euthanasia, comes from the Greek words meaning good death. Sidney Hook calls it voluntary euthanasia, and Daniel C. Maguire calls it death by choice, but John Leo calls it cozy little homicides. Eileen Doyle pointsRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide : An Argument Of Semantics And Hypotheticals3266 Words  | 14 PagesJacqueline Aragon Drexel University Physician-Assisted Suicide: An Argument of Semantics and Hypotheticals Physician-assisted suicide is a prominent topic of discussion in the bioethical community. The main concerns of these discussions are the different types of euthanasia involved in physician-assisted suicide, as well as the legality of a physician’s right to aid in the death of a patient, and the patient’s right to choose death over life when there are no active treatments to forgoRead MoreLegalizing The Death With Dignity Act1905 Words  | 8 Pagescontroversial debate concerning the legality and ethicality of assisting in one’s death. When twenty-nine year old Maynard was diagnosed with neuroblastoma and given less than six months to live, she made the difficult decision to pick up and move to Portland, Oregon. Oregon exists as one of only four states that have legalized assisted suicide (Egan 60-64). In Oregon, she legally ended her battle with cancer in a dignified manner (Egan 60-64). The American Heritage Dictionary defines euthanasia as, â€Å"theRead MoreEuthanasia, a Sociological View3060 Words  | 13 PagesThe Euthanasia Debate, Related To The Thomas Theorem Topic: Euthanasia related to the Thomas Theorem Browser Used: Microsoft Explorer Search Engines Used: Google, Dogpile, MSN Search In The Unadjusted Girl W.I.Thomas wrote, Preliminary to any self-determined act of behavior there is always a stage of examination and deliberation which we may call the definition of the situation. And actually not only concrete acts are dependent on the definition of the situation, but gradually a whole life-policyRead MoreAruna Shanbaug Case - Supreme Court of India14522 Words  | 59 Pagescuriae, Mr. Pallav Sisodia, learned senior counsel for the Dean, KEM Hospital, Mumbai, and Mr. Chinmay Khaldkar, learned counsel for the State of Maharashtra. 2 2. Euthanasia is one of the most perplexing issues which the courts and legislatures all over the world are facing today. This Court, in this case, is facing the same issue, and we feel like a ship in an uncharted sea, seeking some guidance by the light thrown by the legislations and judicial pronouncements of foreign countries, as wellRead MoreJudaism s Views On Euthanasia2049 Words  | 9 Pagesof life, death, meaning and virtue, it is not shocking that, for countless people, religious convictions are the core reasoning for their outlook on euthanasia. Euthanasia is defined as the mode or act of inducing death painlessly or as a relief for pain. Although there are different components that play a part in a person’s stance on euthanasia, like empathy, suffering, constitutional rights, etc., this paper will concentrate on the religious aspects of the topic. Judaism and ChristianityRead MoreDeath with Dignity Essay4339 Words  | 18 Pagessuffer? There is a lot of controversy with the subject of euthanasia. I, for one, was not even aware of the depth of the subject until I started researching for this paper. It has been most enlightening and sometimes heart retching process to write this paper. There are actually 4 defined approaches to the method of euthanasia. Derek Humphries defines them in his book The Final Exit as the following: (Humphrey) 1. Passive euthanasia is the â€Å"pulling the plug†process. 2. Self-deliveranceRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide Is A Universal Experience2194 Words  | 9 Pagesabout suffering and grief, and what we believe happens after we die vary based on our culture, religion, and spiritual beliefs. Spiritual beliefs ground our thinking about end-of-life concepts.†-Susan Thrane, MSN, RN, OCN Over the years voluntary euthanasia, also known as physician assisted suicide (PAS), has been a huge controversy in the United States as well as in other countries. Physician assisted suicide is defined as a doctor knowingly and intentionally with knowledge, means, or both requiredRead MorePHL 612: Philosophy of Law5882 Words  | 24 PagesDescription]: What is law? What makes something a legal norm? Should citizens always obey the law? What is the relationship between law and morality? This course will explore competing theories of law, such as natural law and positivism, and touch on crucial debates over civil disobedience, purposes of punishment, and interpretation of legal texts. It will deal with contemporary controversies over the legal regulation of human behaviour, for instance in matters of sexual morality. Grading Scheme: Course Evaluation:Read MoreCase Study : Boss, We ve Got A Problem Essay1901 Words  | 8 PagesDESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM The case study on â€Å"Boss, We’ve Got a Problem†presents a lot of ethical and moral situations, which need careful and analytical examination. The Summit village is faced with a huge problem, being that one of their best and most decorated and well-known people have been accused of child molestation. This comes as a shock to the people in authority and when it’s made public, most people a shocked because of the benevolence of the person being accused. Ethical problems are
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Power, Authority, and Influence Brandmarker Case Study. Essay
Power, Authority, and Influence BrandMarker Case Study. SUBMITTED BY: S. L. REAMS MGT302 :: Org. Behavior and Teamwork Module 2 – Case Assignment Trident University 05 August 2013 CEO Tom Morris and his team are about to face consequential challenges. The first obstacle that needs to be overcome by Tom Morris and his team is the replacement of the old head of the division, John Goodwin. Since the latter has spent his last ten years as head of the Corporate Identity Marketing Division, it may seem quite obvious that a change with regard to this position is not an easy one to get used to. It can be assumed that the CIM team has been growing stronger together over the last decade, not only on a performance†¦show more content†¦This unrest could affect employees on many varying levels. It may divide the workforce into two categories; those who support the change and those who prefer the current way of business which could possible lead to an 8% increase in employee dissatisfaction due to the breakdown of interpersonal relation between peers. (Chapman, nd) This could also change the company policies and administration, as well as a large quantity of the work itself. Thereby, leading to a possible 40% increase in employee dissatisfaction. If change is not made, the company does face a loss in prosperity and hindered growth. (Chapman, nd) Initially, Tom Morris needs to identify the risks and rewards of both courses of action in order to begin to find a solution. If the current working order is suitable and showing mediocre performance, then the need for immediate and drastic change is not completely necessary at this time. Therefore, leaving more time to delve further into the issue. I would also recommend to Tom, that he needs to sit and speak personally with his employees and try to understand the corporate change from their perspective and understand why it is that the employees resist change. There could possibly be factors that can be easily overlooked from the CEO chair. Once this is understood then its mandate depends on the future of the company to determine whether it is beneficial or detrimental. Tom could also
Ophelia “Frailty They Name Is Woman†Free Essays
Hamlet says, â€Å"Frailty thy name is woman†. Consider this statement in the light of the presentation of Aphelia; Identify key scenes and soliloquies for analysis Discuss various productions/interpretations State your preference of interpretation The word frail meaner when a person or object has the quality of being weak, fragile, weak in health or being morally unstable, also someone who is easily manipulated and influenced by people that surround them, unable to stand on their own. In this essay I plan to look into the character of Aphelia in the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, to see whether she is a frail character and what factors contribute to this. We will write a custom essay sample on Ophelia â€Å"Frailty They Name Is Woman†or any similar topic only for you Order Now I want to look at particular scenes where Aphelia is involved and ones where she is being described and used in order to see how Aphelia reacts to the other characters in the play, to see if she shows any particular signs of being frail. In act 1 scene 2 Hamlet is referring to his mother describing his feelings on how unacceptable it is that she has moved on so hastily from the man that she seemed to love so dearly. He then says â€Å"Frailty, thy name is woman! He is at the time aiming his comment at his mother and his anger for the new King but he also labels innocent Aphelia under this as well. We have to remember that Aphelia was brought up in a society that is male dominant, the women in Elizabethan times had little control on what was to become of their lives and were closely governed by their fathers and husbands. The women in this period would be expected to obey their husband’s orders and father’s wishes. It is therefore not surprising that Aphelia isnâ€℠¢t given many lines in the play itself but she is a key tool used throughout by; Hamlet, Polonium and Claudia in a bid to out do and catch one another out. I would agree with Jacques Lilac here in his introduction of Aphelia in one of his seminars that began with â€Å"That piece of bait named Aphelia†she is indeed used as bait by those closest to her and they don’t seem to care if the bait gets snapped up in the process. This meddling and toying with her makes it impossible for her to escape and contributes to her death, this is done by the people close to her whom she looks up to and respects enough to be reliant on them and to also totally trust them with her affairs and problems but they misuse her and manipulate her naivety. From the beginning Aphelia is portrayed to us as a delicate, well spoken, respectful young lady but one who is being instructed and ordered by her brother to uphold the family name by not consenting to sex with Hamlet before marriage, even though she does voice her own opinions on the matter she does seem to obey and follow what her brother is firmly suggesting she does. Although I think here Aphelia shows her true collectedness and wit in that she knows that her brother is likely to be going against these rules himself and therefore being hypocritical. But, good my brother, Do not as some ungracious pastors do, Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven, Whiles, like a puffed and reckless libertine, himself the primrose path of dalliance treads, and reeks not his own red. †Here she voices her point but in a very dignified way. All she wants is her brother to have a sense of fairness between them and put aside the fact that she is seen as weaker being a woman and is almost voicing a plea for equality. In comparison after this she is then instructed again, now by her forceful, religious father who simply thinks that Hamlet’s love for Aphelia is not love t all but that it’s Just lust. He thinks he has his daughter’s best interest in mind but he doesn’t give her much time to think about her feelings or to voice them to him. In act 1 scene 3 Aphelia confides in her father explaining what Hamlet has said to her and also what she believes Hamlet’s feelings are towards her. â€Å"And hath given countenance to his speech, my lord, with almost all the holy vows of heaven. †This shows not only that she trusts Hamlet’s love but that she is very open with her father and that she has a great deal of trust in him and doesn’t have to hold back or keep secrets from him. She is quite naive in thinking that she can have complete trust in Polonium. He uses this great trust his daughter has in him to his advantage to gain favor with Claudia. Some may say that it is here she is frail in that she does not stand up for what she believes or for her love for Hamlet. She quickly obeys her father’s wishes to stop seeing him without thinking about what she truly wants. In reply to Aphelion’s feelings and beliefs on Hamlet’s love for her, Polonium shows in his tone and language his disregard for his daughter’s feelings and level of maturity. â€Å"Think yourself a baby. †off speak like a green girl. â€Å"Ay, fashion you may call it. †Here he is likening her to a baby, maybe meaning she is weak, young and frail and has to depend on others in order to survive amongst them. Also he mocks her because he does not believe that Hamlet’s love for her is real although she does. He is almost humoring her because he think s she is a fool for thinking that Hamlet’s love is true and is constantly putting her down calling her a green girl because she is not ripe yet and therefore not old enough to see what is really going on. This scene and discussion ends simply with Aphelia saying; l shall obey. She has been brought up not to argue with her father but I agree with David Pennington when he says, â€Å"Aphelion’s willingness to let her father interpret for her is very disappointing†because in contrast to her ability to stand up to her brother she has no ability to oppose her father. In act 2 scene 2 Polonium is conversing with Claudia trying to arrange a meeting between Aphelia and Hamlet. â€Å"I’ll loose my daughter to him. †Her father talks about her like a piece of bait or a pawn under his complete control, he makes her sound like an animal being let loose like a wild dog, suddenly released. This is her father yet again taking control of her life and happiness when he suggests that they set up a meeting with Hamlet so that Polonium and Claudia get to spy on the situation and hear what Hamlet has to say. It is in this scene that Hamlet now uses Aphelia as a target for his anger, frustration and feelings of hatred for the foul play of Polonium and Claudia. He is blunt and horrible when he voices his anger claiming there was never anything between him and Aphelia; â€Å"l loved you not†â€Å"Marry a fool for wise men know well enough what monsters you make of them. Hamlet is quite cold hearted and harsh in the things he chooses to say to Aphelia. He also directs comments through her such as; â€Å"l say we will have no more marriage. Those that are married already all but one, shall live. †Here Hamlet is threatening Claudia and really trying to scare and intimidate him by suggesting that he is going to kill him. Aphelion’s reaction to this scene with Hamlet and his mockery of her is little and she comes across as quite feeble with little to reply with. â€Å"O help him, you sweet heavens. â€Å"O heavenly powers, restore him. †Instead of replying directly, she is pleading to the heavens and God as if the devil or evil has changed Hamlet and she wishes they could change him back. This could be seen as naivety to think it is not down to Hamlet himself. She shows frailty here; in that she soon looses confidence and also the will to stand up for herself and the love she thought she had with Hamlet. Act 4 scene 7 Aphelion’s death is announced by Gertrude in front of Alerter and Claudia. Aphelion’s death is described in such a personal, peaceful and elegant way it’s a very good cover up for the struggle and madness that is quickly spreading amongst the castle. â€Å"Her clothes spread wide, mermaid like they bore her up†¦ Lulled the poor wretch from her melodious lay to muddy death. †These lines said by Gertrude create a poetic image of Aphelion’s supposed accidental death. The description has probably been changed in this way because committing suicide was a sin and the church would have been disgusted at the thought that someone involved with the royal family would do such a thing. Aphelia would not be authorized to have a proper funeral and burial if it was seen to be suicide. Even though parts of the description are lovely and create images and reflections of Aphelia there is still a harsh awakening with the words ‘muddy death’ that soon bring o back to the reality of what has happened and now a disturbing factor has been added. You can almost misread the play and not notice she has in fact killed herself, after her suffering she doesn’t even get a dramatic exit like all the other deaths in the play and seems instead to sink to her death. This may be because of Aphelion’s personality and general aura that a painful slow death would not fit with her character and her back story. The description itself makes it seem as if the water did not have to fight to bring her down but that it was actually very easy and with no trudge, portraying that Aphelia is in fact frail in that she could not fight harder and get herself out of the deep, dark hole in her mind that she had retreated into. In the two films I have watched of Hamlet, the portrayal of Aphelia has been different. In Kenneth Branch’s version, Aphelia is how I imagine her to be; quite striking, elegant and she also comes across as quite an intelligent young lady played by Kate Winglet. When she talks she doesn’t shy away and seem frail, she actually seems to voice her lines quite forcefully when appropriate. However when she turns ad in this film production I think the acting and the overall look of Aphelia is somehow out of place. I think she needs to show her crazy side in a more subdued style of acting and with a slightly more psychotic side to it, this is where Franco Ziegfeld’s film for me excels because I think Helena Bonham Carter’s take on Aphelia is better and more like I expected it to be as depicted from the original script. Her natural ability to have that â€Å"off the rails†look about her is a major plus, she pulls off the crazy act but in an elegant and purely quite disturbing way. Her overall portrayal f Aphelia however, seems weak and she seems to Just blend further and further into the background. In conclusion I think Aphelion’s character is like a child getting caught in between the cross fire and I think that her story is tragic in its own way because of her being kept close but constantly in the background. She gets forgotten about and used by the powerful men in the play. I agree with Barbara Everett when she says that â€Å"Licensor is what was once known as a â€Å"man’s world†, one given up to the pursuit of power in a conventional system of rivalries. There is little place for women in such a world, and he women of this tragedy are markedly shadowy and faint†. I think that Aphelia could be seen as sheltered naive and frail. I think it’s through no fault of her own however, but rather through the pressures of society, family and her peers. Bibliography http://www. opensourceshakespeare. Org http://Shakespearean. Org. UK/ critical essays on Shakespearean hamlet general editor Jack Bowen written version of one of Jacques Lagan’s seminars www. Sparseness. Co. UK Henchman advanced Shakespeare set text http://faculty. Petticoats. Du/?Nichols/aphelia. HTML by Carla Williams How to cite Ophelia â€Å"Frailty They Name Is Woman†, Papers
Watching movies at home vs theatre free essay sample
Topic: Compare or contrast of watching movies through rental videos or going out for movies at local theatres/cinemas. Thesis statement: Video rentals are more convenient than going to the theatre because you save money, feel more comfortable, and waste less time. First of all, when you rent a video to watch at home, you can save a lot of money. Video rentals usually cost around $3. 99, while a single ticket at the theater is $5. 00. Everybody can sit down and enjoy the movie at home for the same price, but at the theater everybody has to pay for their own ticket, including kids, who have to pay $3.50 each. Four people would end up paying approximately $17. 00 to watch a single movie. Once inside the theater, then you have to afford all the expensive snacks like pop-corn, nachos, and sodas which are usually priced twice as much as they cost outside. Just a bottle of water will cost you . We will write a custom essay sample on Watching movies at home vs theatre or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 00. Last but not least, you have to consider the expenses of gasoline, clothing, cosmetics, and other miscellaneous that are much needed for one single visit to your local theater! Secondly, watching movie at home allows viewers to feel more comfy and relaxing. Firstly, Viewers who rent videotape can watch a movie by being multi-task. For instance, folding clothes, ironing, as well as cleaning the house. On contrary, watching a movie at the cinema forces audiences to be single-handed by allowing them to be focused on the movie alone. Secondly, at home viewers are free to watch the movie in varieties of style such as lying on the floor, sitting on a couch or many more. In cinema, the audience has to sit stiff and behave decently for at least two hours until the movie ends. Sometimes, the seat at the cinema is small and it is not comfy for those who are in big sizes. Last but not least, watching movie at home allows viewers to talk as much as they want, laughing as loud as they want or they can answer and make phone calls as many as they want while the movie is being played. These acts are not being prohibited unlike watching movie in the cinema. Thus, watching movie by renting videotape gives more luxurious of feeling comfy to the viewers. Finally, when you renting a video you can watch your own favorite movie at home and on top of that it saving more time. Imagine that your home is out from town. You need to go through all the traffic in order for you to reach the cinema. Stuck in traffic already losing more of your time compared to watching a video you rent. On the other hand, at cinema you need to wait for the queue turn. Long queue especially on weekend is only wasting your time where you might miss out certain plans you arrange. After waiting for a long queue once again you need to wait for a call to be seated and force your eyes to watch a bunch of advertisement play while waiting for the movie’s to start. Be in someone’s timetable controls you. Differ than when you renting a video you just need to choose you favorite records and press ‘PLAY’ button at any time you want without need to rush in chasing the time schedule for your favorite movie at cinema. Avoiding from heavy traffic and going to the town can save the fuel and your time. You can either saving the time consume queuing in purchasing the tickets. At home you can simply enjoy and watch the movie with your friends and family without any constraints. There is no advertisement issue in video rented. You can enjoy watching the original video without waiting. It is more easy and saving more time for someone to rent video and watch at home then going to cinema. Watching movies at home, definitely, has several advantages over going to the theater. This way you do not spend so much money, you can use your time more effectively, and you can enjoy the comfort of your house. There is nothing better than staying at home on a rainy day while enjoying a good movie on your TV screen.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Poetry Essay June 16 Example For Students
Poetry Essay June 16 The poem is a free verse there is no punctuation; it describes the anxious thoughts of a teenaged boy who does not know what tomorrow will hold. The title of the poem includes the words June 16th. This date is a very significant date in the history of South Africa, as Youth day is commemorated and celebrated on this day. It goes back to the time in South African during the Apartheid regime. On June 16th 1976 thousands of students marched in the streets of Sweet to protest against Bantu education, which limited the level of education to most South Africans. There was an angry youth crowd fighting against and angry government and this resulted in the police killing two hundred young people and injuring hundreds more. This poem is therefore a good poem as it reflects how the people felt during this time in history and it also reflect where we come from as a nation and how the youth can play such n important role in changing an entire history of a country. Critical analysis on the poem: A young mans thoughts before June the 16th, by Faze Johannes. To me A young mans thoughts before June the 16th, written by Faze Johannes is quite a good poem. I must admit I had to read it quite a few times before I started to understand it. Although it is a short poem, the style is simple and the writer gets straight to the point. I understand that the poem is about a young man who is about to go and fight for his rights in South Africa, but I feel that he would rather be somewhere else. I like the poem, it is not difficult to read and you can feel the emotions of the young boy through the words written in the poem. He is anxious about what tomorrow will bring and Just wants to be a normal young person. He longs for his mother and wants to spend time with his friends and he knows that he will probably die. In this poem, Faze Johannes is placing himself in somebody elses shoes (this person knowing that he was going to die as a result of the march of June the 16th). Therefore he is not the narrator of the poem but rather a character which will result in his death. The poet uses words like l, me and my which make the poem very personal and you can imagine the young man going through all the emotions that he is going through. The poem can be seen both as literally and figuratively therefore making the reader or narrator enjoy how the poem has been described. In the literal sense, the person in the poem is going to march, travel on a road (line 1) on June the 16th. There is a use of alliteration which occurs by the use of the phrase broad belch of beer (line 7). However figuratively, the march is the journey, the struggle, against apartheid for a better tomorrow. The speaker slows the poem down when reading it because of the repeated alliterations, this make the poem full of sadness. In the last line the poet writes that his sunset is drenched with red. This symbolizes that there is going to be a lot of lives lost and their blood will be spilled all over the place. The poet uses a lot of literary devices in the poem: Firstly the whole poem is written in small letters. This shows that the person in the poem feels inferior and does not think highly of himself. Also there are no punctuation marks used in the poem, the lines Just go on and on. This emphasizes the fact the is in an on-going struggle that Just goes on and on. His thoughts, his sweet memories of (his) youth are unstoppable.
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