Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Hidden Treasure of College Essay Objective Samples
The Hidden Treasure of College Essay Objective Samples For instance, a youthful mother may have an issue with yelling at her small children for minor infractions but the actual issue could be that she feels trapped or unappreciated. Generally, you should have three or more decades of college before you are able to enter a school of podiatry. Parents, executives, teenagers and perhaps even elementary age children may benefit from learning how to cope with aggression and hostility in an effective method. Facts, Fiction and College Essay Objective Samples People management is an intricate role and there are numerous unique competencies and abilities required. Instead, you wish to use the info that you've researched to demonstrate your abilities and accomplishments are already so closely matched to what the business needs that they truly would be foolish to employ somebody else. Absence of Skill In order to move forwards you might have to pick up skills on the way. If you are w orried about school or college essay submission, see some on-line websites and see for the best yet inexpensive providers and find the best essays written on any topics and score best. Some individuals have the capacity of superior writing but find it problematic to work on confusing topics so it's far better to request assistance from a specialist. Career in Insurance There is an assortment of positions in the field at which you can work and earn a career. It would be best to do a little research via internet to be certain you are able to transfer your credentials to that state. Regardless of what stream have you studied, you are still able to turn into a teacher if you're expert at your field and have the required qualities required in a teaching job. The target of the game would be to assemble a vehicle. For that reason, it's always recommended that you watch the documentary more often than once as a way to properly digest it and know what it is about. 360 video wouldn't only capture the summit, but the complete nature of the trip by including components like traveling. A goal has to be time bound. The Hidden Facts on College Essay Objective Samples Th e absolute most compelling college essays tell good stories, so attempt to produce your essay tell your very best story. On the finished part, you may also compare the documentary with others in the exact genre or subject in order to earn readers have more thorough understanding of the review. In case you have any older friends who have graduated, don't hesitate to ask them if you are able to read their essays! Everything took off from that point. A massive part of the true story is missing here. The 2 movies were two contradictory images of the way the sea is now, and the way it can be if it's looked after. By the close of the day, it's up to you if you opt to appreciate the art of essay writing or not. What a terrific feeling to get even before you have there. Therefore, you should tell the employer what you could do in order to accomplish your current or future object during the time that you are working at their company. Some books on marketing your company and the difference between a sole-proprietorship and a corporation would likewise be a fantastic idea. Yes, it's a fact that if you're hired with a company, it may very well address your problems. By writing an issue solving resume, you're showing a provider precisely what your value is, and you're going to greatly shorten the amount of your job search in the practice. Occasionally it feels that your resume is supposed to introduce you to a business that will fix every one of your problems. In the modern job market you need to demonstrate the reader why you could be different than the thousand other job hunters going after the exact same position. Even in case you have one of the top paying careers in the planet, remember that not everything is all about money. Though there are corporate jobs that pay exceedingly well, in addition, there are a lot of wonderful job opportunities that will cause you to really feel like you're not even on the job! Top Choices of College Essay Objective Samples If you're fed up with the British weather or only feel you would love to try out something a bit more challenging, then why don't you look at a work overseas. A close friend said I should start looking into Trump. You may work many jobs simultaneously in the event that you need or you'll be able to take a rest or vacation anytime you really feel like it. While you might have spent lots of time working on your goals for the next calendar year, there are lots of things which are going to become in your way to achieving them. An effective people manager doesn't wish to get liked, but they do want to demonstrate respect and to get respect. At this time you'll be measured on the outcomes of your team members. You work for a single company of a couple days then get the job done for the next business. Not everybody can spend years studying medicine, even though the return on investment is nearly guaranteed.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Epic Of Gilgamesh Essay - 947 Words
â€Å"The Epic of Gilgamesh†is considered a literary masterpiece nearly lost to the sands of time. The epic was passed on through oral tradition before writing became abundant. Thus it is considered one of the oldest known stories in literary history. The epic tells of the journey, struggle, and inevitability of the great king Gilgamesh’s life. The epic has been proven to be at least partially true, as archeologists have discovered evidence of the existence of Gilgamesh’s great city Uruk. Uruk was once located in ancient Mesopotamia. Due to the barriers of time and loss in human history, there can be no positive way to confirm all that has been encountered from the epic. Taking the imaginative epic with a grain of salt, one must determine the difference between fact and fiction. Gilgamesh was considered a half-god mortal, blessed with all the virtues a king could want. He knew no equal and was brazen in his stature. The gods reasoned to send an opposite-equal t o lay low his lack of humility. Enkidu was the answer to Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh was the epitome of a civilized man known to ego and wrong. Enkidu was the epitome of a beast in man’s form knowing innocence and right. Gilgamesh and Enkidu stood opposite-equals against each other and after a short clash of strengths they became as brothers. Once they were united, Gilgamesh and Enkidu became fused to each other’s soul. These two heroes hence, would not be separated until death’s icy grasp. Growing restless in their dual-cladShow MoreRelatedThe Epic Of Gilgamesh Essay1721 Words  | 7 PagesMany texts, both ancient and modern, explore the possibilities of living forever. The Epic of Gilgamesh is just one of the stories examining this theory. The Gilgamesh tablets discuss many such issues pertinent to much of today’s population: what is the meaning of life? How will I be remembered? This age old topic is explored through many popular mediums today such as graphic novels and in the film industry. Additionally the immortal question is further studied in some scientific industries, toRead MoreEpic of Gilgamesh Essay1021 Words  | 5 PagesEpic of Gilgamesh . Mesopotamia, current day Iraq, derived its name from words meaning, the land between the rivers, which refers to the Tigris and Euphrates. This land was inhabited during the fourth millennium B.C.E. and throughout time transcended into political and military organizations. The significance of these cultures revolved around important warrior figures and their impact on society. The most important figure that will be discussed is the protagonist from The Epic of GilgameshRead MoreThe Epic Of Gilgamesh Essay998 Words  | 4 PagesThe Epic of Gilgamesh has many important female characters, and from them we can learn how females were viewed in ancient Sumerian society. The women are not typecast with simply one personality and role but instead are shown with many facets. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, women are shown as essential beings who can be either loving and nurturing or incredibly powerful and scary. Ways to combat mortality is a main motive for Gilgamesh and he could do it simply through his children as most men do withRead MoreEssay on Epic of Gilgamesh971 Words  | 4 PagesTitle: Gilgamesh Type: Epic Author: Anonymous Theme: The central idea of Gilgamesh was the greed that he had to receive eternal life. Gilgamesh was a selfish person who was half god and half man and wanted to keep his youth after seeing Enkidu die. Gilgamesh knew his destiny was not to receive eternal life because he was half man. He decided to go against the odds to fight against not having eternal life searching for the secret despite what the Gods told him. Exposition: The storyRead MoreEssay The Epic of Gilgamesh905 Words  | 4 PagesEgypt and Gilgamesh, king of Uruk, were such rulers. They were powerful and cunning individuals, yet they let their own selfish nature ruin the ability to be a great leader. Gilgamesh was said to be the spawn of a god and a human woman. His handsome features, great strength, and cunning intelligence were supposedly the best in the land. Yet, he did not rule his kingdom with justice. He often took advantage of his citizens for his own personal pleasures. The following quote, â€Å"For Gilgamesh, the KingRead MoreThe Epic of Gilgamesh Essay1245 Words  | 5 Pagesfantastical places, lies the narrative of a profound friendship between two men. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, an ancient Mesopotamian literary masterpiece, all of its events are centered around the development of the friendship between Gilgamesh, the tyrannical and stubborn king of Uruk, and the man created by the Gods to both complement and challenge his nature: Enkidu. Each of the three dream sequences in the epic represent different stages of Enkidu’s life – one portends his birth, another foretellsRead MoreThe Epic Of Gilgamesh Essay Essay982 Words  | 4 PagesThe Epic of G ilgamesh is an epic poem from four thousand years ago, from ancient Mesopotamia. It was written on clay tablets, and even if some part of sentences were not able to be recovered, the tale is understable. It is the oldest Epic found, and still one of the most famous too. While the stories are made of different Gods, cows talking, King with perfect strength, giant monsters, it seems hard to find similarities between the Epic and the 21st century. Yet by reading closely the passage fromRead MoreThe Epic of Gilgamesh Essay1139 Words  | 5 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In the epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh embarks upon a quest seeking immortality as a means to peace, meaning, and joy in life. He tries to reach it in many different ways, each as unsuccessful as its predecessor. The two main types of immortality are physical and through the actions or achievements of ones life. Gilgamesh tries first through his actions, but then undergoes a transformation which leads him to next attemp t physical immortality. He eventually comes back toRead MoreEpic of Gilgamesh Essay915 Words  | 4 PagesThe Epic of Gilgamesh is one of earliest known pieces of literature. Through years of storytelling and translation, The Epic of Gilgamesh became a timeless classic. This story is believed to have originated from Sumerian poems and legends about the king of Uruk, Gilgamesh. Throughout the epic, many themes arose about women, love, and journeys and the one I would like to discuss is the theme of death. Also, I will discuss if Gilgamesh accepts morality at the end of the story and the development ofRead MoreThe Epic of Gilgamesh Essay1522 Words  | 7 PagesThere are many vices and virtues displayed in the Epic of Gilgamesh. The Epic of Gilgamesh is a tale from ancient Babylon. Its hero, Gilgamesh the king of Uruk, is two-thirds god and one-third man. Throughout the epic, which consists of three stories, the character of Gilgamesh is developed. This is accomplished by changing the vices he possesses at the start of the epic, and replacing them with virtues he receives by its completion. â€Å"A virtue is a quality of righteousness, goodness, or moral
Monday, December 9, 2019
Marketing Audit Barriers case study Nokia Essay Example For Students
Marketing Audit Barriers : case study Nokia Essay Assignment on Marketing planning Unit 19 Assignment-1:Marketing Audit A ; Barriers Task- 1 Introduction of Nokia Nokia is a nomadic company who are committed to linking people. In September 2013, Nokia announced to come in into an understanding with Microsoft. Nokia physique with combined advanced engineering with individualized services, which makes people to remain near. Nokia plans to concentrate on three established concern in the market segments where NSN is leader in web substructure and services. Nokia established their concern in many topographic points around the universe as Brazil- Manus established in 1998, China- Beijing established in 1995, Hungary- Komaron established in 1999, India- Chennai established in 2006. Nokia president and interim CEO is Risto Siilasmaa. Around the universe, 1.3 billion people are linking Nokia device with nomadic phone to ache phone and work with high public presentation nomadic computing machines every twenty-four hours. Integrating Nokia device with advanced services through Ovi clients may be able to download music, Google maps, apps, electronic mail and more. So globally, Nokia provides solutions and services for communicating web. 1.1 A ; 1.2 Changing position and rating of organisation’s capableness for be aftering its hereafter selling activity Nokia is concentrating on cardinal concern countries like high-end smart phones and mass-market Mobile phones where each unit sections will see net income and loss duty including merchandise development, merchandise direction and merchandise selling for all client experiences. Nokia is making a new leading squad and operation construction by which they plan for future selling activity. Nokia is establishing new smart phone like Nokia Lumia 925, 630, 520. These symbian Smartphone is making a winning windows phone when other phone companies are updating mobile phone applications, Nokia was go oning to concentrating on nomadic phone devices instead than mobile phone applications. Therefore Nokia missed the major alterations in Smartphone revolution of its market as the client passage from traditional nomadic phones to ache phones, which the other phones companies are marketing inexpensive French telephone with assorted characteristics. The monetary value of Nokia was relatively high. The concern of Nokia has become merchandise focused instead than client focal point. So, Nokia missed the chance. But now Nokia has updated their French telephones and added some particular applications and characteristics like music, Google maps, apps, electronic mail, games med ia sharing, on-line shop etc in their smarts phones. As the clients of Nokia can download from ovi shops online and they can besides download figure of programmes and nomadic package for force. In add-on, Nokia website provides the solution of the job of their consumer’s device and package. Hence, the mark of Nokia is to linking people. Therefore, it can be said that Nokia can distribute their concern in the hereafter by updating their hardware and adding some sole characteristics in their merchandise. 1.3 Organizational auditing and analysing of external factors and techniques that might impact selling planning Definition of SWOT analysis: SWOT analysis is used to analysis company’s state of affairs by which it evaluates the company’s overall strength, failing, chances and menaces. ( Ferrel A ; Hartline,2012 ) SWOT analysis of Nokia: Positive Negative Internal Strength Failing Opportunities Menaces External Diagram of SWOT analysis Strength Nokia is the world’s biggest manufacturer, industry and distributer of cell phones. Nokia phones are long lasting, lasting and dependable. Around the universe, Nokia is taking the planetary cell phone industry. Nokia follows all manner schemes with new coevals characteristics and manner from industries. Nokia work force works with advanced engineering. Nokia has assortment of merchandise in different monetary value scope. Failing Nokia net income border has dropped 40 % in 2010. ( new 2010-07-22 ) Nokia phones monetary values are higher comparison to other cell phone. Some theoretical account of Nokia phones has been cancelled by the distributer due to low market demand, like E-71. Nokia has few serving Centre comparison to other phone company. Opportunities Today in Asia nomadic phone industry is one of the fastest turning industry. Because the population is higher in Asia beside than other continent. Hence Nokia has the chance to catch these market. Nokia has tremendous demand of possible in developing states like China, India, and Bangladesh. Nokia has chance to do net incomes by selling nomadic phone in different states. In Asia immature people wants fashionable and stylish French telephones, which Nokia has. Peoples from different income group can take Nokia French telephone harmonizing to their budget. Burmese Days Analysis EssayMenaces of substitute’s merchandises Nokia has broad scope of nomadic phones with different characteristics and monetary values. So all people can able to purchase the nomadic phone with their budget. Old people besides prefer Nokia nomadic phones because it is easy to run. Nokia follows all manner schemes with new coevals characteristics and manner so client get more attracted. Menaces of substitute’s merchandises Nokia do non much client attention Centre, if any client stay really far, they might utilize other trade name mobile phone which client attention are available. Nokia smart phones are capable of batch of map beside there are many utility maps where client might purchase e.g. digital camera which takes better exposures than smart phones. Customers rely on nomadic phones and they expect all the maps will be at that place on their French telephone if some maps or characteristics are non at that place the client might travel and purchase other trade name smart phones. Competitive competition Nokia make smart phone like Nokia Lumia which are symbian package windows phones besides their challengers already by Android mobile phones which are more advanced such trade names are Samsung, Symphony etc. so there is really small distinction between the rivals which means new smart phones like Nokia Lumia will happen hard to contend with their rivals. So competitory competition is really is really high and Nokia must be cognizant of the menace that rivals have on their concern. 1.4 Organizational auditing and analysis of external factors that affect marketing planning of the company Porter 5 force analysis affect marketing planning of Nokia Porter five-force analysis affect selling planning of Nokia by assisting to understand Nokia strength of current place of the company. Porter 5 force analysis helps to cognize the company Nokia which are impacting others companies to come in the market. It besides helps to cognize whether the other companies are impacting Nokia merchandise as a menace of utility merchandise for their lower monetary values or better public presentation. It besides know how dependent the company is to their providers are available, which provider are giving goods at lower monetary value. The company Nokia should cognize their get downing power to purchasers like how many clients can purchase their merchandise within their scope. Compare to other companies Nokia is carry throughing client demands by given new coevals characteristics with attractive manner. By making porter 5 force analysis it helps Nokia to make marketing be aftering like how Nokia will make this concern in approaching yearss. Task- 2 2.1 The chief barriers to marketing planning for Nokia The chief barrier of marketing planning of Nokia is that Nokia has deficiency of cognition and selling accomplishments. There is deficiency of systematic attack in marketing planning. Nokia is confused between the selling map and selling construct. Their tactics and concern scheme is good. Comparing to other companies Nokia is non conveying new merchandise with hi-tech characteristics within a short period of clip where Samsung, Symphony can. The monetary value of nomadic phone is relatively high than other companies harmonizing to the characteristics and applications of nomadic phone. Therefore, they can non contend with their rivals. 2.2 How to get the better of barriers To get the better of these barriers Nokia should re-examine their market scheme and selling accomplishments. To contend with rivals Nokia can split into smaller market section where the suited merchandise for that chosen market section. Nokia should moo the monetary value of their nomadic phone and they besides should add more characteristics and applications in the phone. Nokia should increase their advertisement and publicity, these is how Nokia may able to get the better of their barriers. Mentions lt ; World Wide Web. global/about us gt ; Ferrell, O.C and Hartline, M. ( 2012 ) ,Selling Scheme, 6Thursdayedition, UK: Cengage Learning. Ruth, M. ( 2010 ) ,Management of hazard, Ireland, TSO Henry, A. ( 2011 ) ,Understanding Strategic direction, UK, Oxford University Press 1
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Organisational Performance Management
Executive Summary The research report presents the examination of the organisational performance management in Ba Ba Lu Bar Pty Ltd with references to the effectiveness of the human resource management within the organisation.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Organisational Performance Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The report provides the evaluation of the HR function within Ba Ba Lu Bar Pty Ltd with depending on the proper analysis of HR practices, methods, the ethical base of the company, and strengths and weaknesses of definite HR strategies. The analysis of the key issues associated with HR management is offered in the context of HR management’s impact on the effective organisational performance. Specific recommendations for the improvement of the HR management strategies used in Ba Ba Lu Bar Pty Ltd are also presented in the report. Introduction The peculiarities of the organisationsâ₠¬â„¢ progress and the features of their organisational performance management depend on the business field and market within which the company develops (Gelade Ivery 2003). Ba Ba Lu Bar Pty Ltd is a popular bar and restaurant which is located in Lorne, Victoria, Australia. The bar was established by the French-Swiss restaurateur who had the similar restaurant in Spain. That is why Ba Ba Lu Bar Restaurant specializes in the Spanish and Latino cuisine, being one of the most successful bars in Lorne. Today the director of the bar and the main chef is Sacha Meier who controls all the main activities of the organisation.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Ba Ba Lu Bar Restaurant works seven days a week and propose breakfasts, lunches, and dinners to meet all the clients’ requirements. To address all the challenges of the rapidly developed field of the bar and restaurant b usiness and preserve the high position in the market, the managers of Ba Ba Lu Bar Restaurant are inclined to organise the work of the staff within the working shifts effectively and support the employees’ high level of motivation. Organisation’s mission is to contribute to the company’s progress within the market with the help of attracting potential clients and constant increasing the quality of the service provided. To complete these requirements, the organisational structure is developed; the main positions in it are the chef director, marketing director, HR manager, and the representatives of the service department, purchasing department, finance and accounting department. It is important to note that the staff demographics are characterized by the diversity of the representatives from the minority ethnic groups along with the Australians. The percentage of men as employees of Ba Ba Lu Bar Restaurant is higher than the number of women employed. The averag e age of the employees is about 28 years (Ba Ba Lu Bar Pty Ltd n.d.). The organisation of the company’s HR function HR function’s organisation to support objectives The main objectives of Ba Ba Lu Bar Restaurant are to compete effectively within the field of the market of services and restaurant business in Lorne and address the clients’ expectations, requirements, and needs.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Organisational Performance Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More That is why the main goal of the HR manager is to hire skilful employees who could contribute to the development of the organisation and to the increase of the service quality (Ba Ba Lu Bar Pty Ltd n.d.). People associated with the HR function The bar and restaurant business does not require the large management department to meet the organisation’s needs. The HR function is realised by the HR manager responsi ble for hiring personnel according to standards and peculiarities of the work, the further development of the resources with focusing on their training, orientation to the improvement of the workers’ skills, increase of the employees’ motivation with using definite benefits and compensations, establishment of the positive atmosphere, control of the work performance with references to the requirements and the necessary assessment. The HR manger’s work is controlled by the chef director, and it is associated with the representatives of the service department. The HR manager’s education The HR function is realised by the HR manger who has the special education in the field of HR management and the necessary background knowledge and work experience as the assistant of the HR manager in the company in the area of the hotel business and later as the HR manager in the same company. The previous work experience helps the HR manager successfully employ staff with paying attention to the applicants’ skills, conducting the effective interviews and tests. Networks are not used by the HR manager as the significant factor for improving the process of hiring and examining the employees.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The HR methods, strategies and strengths The HR methods, strategies, and procedures The HR manger of Ba Ba Lu Bar Restaurant organises his work to contribute to the development of the positive atmosphere within the bar on the base of the qualified completion of all the necessary tasks by the employees. The main strategies which are used by the HR manger while hiring and controlling the staff depend on a definite employment model. Ba Ba Lu Bar Restaurant as the typical organisation within the field of restaurant business follows the principles of flexibility in its progress according to the needs of the rapidly changing market (Daft 2011; Porter 1998). In spite of the fact there is a range of requirements which should be addressed by employees the staff is usually employed at short notice because of the high level of turnover within the industry (Armstrong 2006). The main employment model which is used by the HR manger is the ‘engineering model’ when the main accents a re made on the challenging work and current competence of the applicants. The majority of the staff interacts not only with the other employees within the organisation, but also with clients, and this fact increases the level of work challenges and stressful situations for them. The current competence of the applicants is examined during the interviews and tests. The necessary training is also provided in order to improve the employees’ skills (DeCieri Kramer 2006). Nevertheless, this training is not extensive, and it is developed only to meet the obvious organisation’s requirements to the quality level of the employees’ work. The employees’ successes and problems are regulated through the peer control and with the direct involvement of the HR manager in the process (Tovey Uren 2006). The HR function strengths The strengths of the management organisation in Ba Ba Lu Bar Restaurant are associated with the effective system of rewards and bonuses which is used in order to address such goals as the increase of the quality of the service provided and stimulation of the staff’s motivation. The HR manager pays attention to the methods which are directed to expanding the employees’ responsibilities to contribute to the growth of their potential and positive attitude to their duties. The work intensification is realised without using strict methods which can break the balance within the company and influence the employees’ performance negatively. Ethical behaviour The next weakness is the lack of the appropriately fixed code of conduct. The current code is followed by all the employees, but it focuses predominantly on the relations of the staff and clients without references to the interactions within the organisation. HR function’s priorities The HR manager pays much attention to the effective hiring skilful employees, training and controlling their work and less attention to the development of team building w ithin the organisation and this process is interdependent with the fact of the significant turnover within Ba Ba Lu Bar Restaurant. In spite of the fact the main customers within the organisation are the employees who provide definite services and interact with clients much, the HR manager does not focus on strengthening the interpersonal relations with references to the flexible approach to the organisation and control. This approach can weaken the organisation’s competitiveness within the industry. The HR function weaknesses and current problems The weaknesses of the HR function are connected with such aspects as the orientation to the short-term goals while employing the staff and realising their training. The turnover and diversity of the workforce are the main characteristics of the HR organisation in the bar. Definite issues depend on the changes in legislations worldwide and associated challenges for the employees and employer. Thus, job security is also provided not on the highest level. The career progress of the employees is almost impossible within the organisation because of the peculiarities of its structure (Schermerhorn 2010). That is why main accents are made on the short-term goals and on quick but effective training which contribute to the organisation’s flexibility. HR function and IT The usage of IT components and technologies is not progressive enough. That is why the lack of using the technological innovations for optimising the process of hiring, controlling, and measuring is not adequate to meet the requirements of the modern trends in the industry (Bernadin 2007; Stone 2008). The primary focus of HR function and effectiveness The primary focus of HR function Having analysed the work of the HR manager in Ba Ba Lu Bar Restaurant, it is important to mention that the primary focus of HR function is administrative which is directed toward the effective control and assessment of the employees’ performance with paying m uch attention to their skills as workers. The effectiveness of HR function The organisation and strategies used by the HR manager contribute to the successful organisational performance where the main accents are made on the quality of the services provided. However, in spite of the fact the general organisational performance influenced by the HR function is high, there are some issues connected with the character of the employees’ interactions. Overcoming these issues with using definite HR methods, the organisation can also increase its performance. Conclusion The HR function in Ba Ba Lu Bar Restaurant can be discussed as rather effective with references to the administrative advantages. Nevertheless, from the point of the strategic development, the principles according to which the HR manger realises his functions are not successful enough in order to address all the requirements of the constantly developed industry and market. Thus, the necessary flexibility and employme nt model can be supported with the more worked out code of conduct, and long-term goals should become the managerial priorities. Recommendations 1. To develop the HR management strategy with references to the long-term goals in order to improve the competitive advantage. 2. To develop the effective code of conduct. 3. To expand the employees’ responsibility and creativity in order to discover their potential. 4. To provide team-building techniques in order to create the positive and effective atmosphere. 5. To use the technological innovations in order to meet the trends. Reference List Armstrong, M 2006, A handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page, London. Ba Ba Lu Bar Pty Ltd n.d., . Bernadin, HJ 2007, Human resource management, Mc Graw Hill, Berkshire. Daft, RL 2011, Management, South-Western College Pub, USA. DeCieri, H Kramer, R 2006 Human resource management in Australia: strategy, people and performance, McGraw Hill, Sydney. Gelade, GA Ivery, M 2003, ‘The impact of human resource management and work climate on organisational performance’, Personnel Psychology, vol. 56, pp. 383-404. Porter, ME 1998, Competitive strategy: techniques for analyzing industries and competitors, Free Press, USA. Schermerhorn, JR 2010, Management, Wiley, USA. Stone, R 2008, Managing human resources, John Wiley Sons, Brisbane. Tovey, MD Uren, ML 2006, Managing performance improvement, Pearson Education Australia, Sydney. This report on Organisational Performance Management was written and submitted by user Sylas B. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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